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Finding Solutions for The Negative Effects of Temperature Fluctuations on Your Facility

facility crockett negative temperature impacts fluctuations

Your facility is vulnerable to some risks that aren’t immediately apparent.

These days, most office workers have switched to telecommutes and working remotely. This scenario was a necessary adjustment in response to the still-present threat presented by COVID-19. Even so, your facility is vulnerable to some risks that aren’t immediately apparent. For instance, temperatures outside can vary depending on the weather forecast for that day. Even though spring and summer typically bring warmer temperatures, that isn’t always the case. 

Assess the Condition of the BAS 

Sophisticated technology has come a long way over the years. For example, the innovation of the building automation system, or BAS, has made life easier for facility managers everywhere. Taking a second look at the state of the building controls is a step in the right direction. It’s a good way to increase efficiency while eliminating the troublesome hot and cold spots without taking more drastic measures. 

Diminish the Amount of Sunlight 

Natural light can help everyone feel better. After all, sunshine can elevate low moods, relieve stress, and restore a sense of joy. That said, decreasing the sunlight that blares in through unshielded windows is essential – and not just to protect against screen glare on computers and other devices. No matter how hard the air conditioner works, the heat can still be overwhelming. That’s why blinds and window films are worthwhile investments.

Have the Ducts and Vents Inspected 

Commercial HVAC systems are delicate machines. When one component fails, it can cause the entire unit to crash. As such, be sure to have the ductwork and ventilation airways inspected. Airflow problems arise when cracks, holes, and dirty filters conspire to slow down the efficiency of the HVAC. Dust, debris, rodents, and insects are also contaminants that could trigger allergic reactions. Do your best to keep the ducts clean!

Replace the Lighting Fixtures 

Studies have shown that fluorescent lighting is detrimental to human health. Replacing the lighting fixtures and bulbs can make an enormous difference in productivity and, more importantly, employee wellbeing. LED lighting is a much better alternative since it is cooler and produces less heat. Moreover, avoid placing thermostats too close to lights or windows. Doing so can throw off the readings and affect the zone controls. 

Crockett Facilities Can Help!

Crockett Facilities Services, Inc. (CFSI) is committed to helping building owners, property managers, engineers, and facility professionals navigate the post-COVID-19 environment. We can develop a cost-effective, customized program for your building that will mitigate the potential health risks of COVID-19.  Click Here to Request a Quote

To learn more about the importance of reopening your building safely, please contact us at 202.600.2787 or Our PM contract customers receive priority treatment with 24/7 emergency service in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest!

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